[DEPRECATED] Valentina 0.7. User manual. (Russian version)

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[DEPRECATED] Valentina 0.7. User manual. (Russian version)



8 customer reviews   Write a review

Product Description

Warning. This book declared deprecated. No future updates planned for this version.

If you want to learn more about what Valentina can do, this guide will help you. We have compiled all the information we know about the software first-hand, as they say. Our goal in creating this tutorial was to collect and fully describe all the features of the program. No one knows their creation better than the authors themselves. The existence of this book makes it possible to obtain information from the source without the speculation and distortion that other authors may inevitably encounter when interpreting this or that function in the absence of a primary source.

The manual provides detailed information on all the features of the Valentine 0.7.x program. You will find information on the goals that motivated us to create the application. Detailed descriptions of the settings, tools, and explanations of the purpose of the individual functions. There are lots of illustrations in the book itself, which should make it easier to understand the material. We have tried to make the style of the descriptions as clear as possible for the average user.

This is the second edition of the Valentine User manual, which has been updated and adapted in accordance with the changes made to the program. You will find here a description of all the latest changes and improvements.

This book is addressed to people who are interested in the creation of parametric patterns and want to start applying their knowledge in practice. This book does not give advice on pattern making, except when it is necessary to demonstrate the use of a function. It also does not describe the modelling process. Its purpose is to introduce you to the arsenal available to you. Methods and examples of how to use it are a topic for another book.

Experienced users will also find the facts useful. We can confidently say that even experienced users, who seem to know everything about the program, have been surprised to find facts they did not know about it.

By purchasing this tutorial you will not only get to know the capabilities of Valentina, but you will also help continue its development and evolution, as the application itself is distributed free of charge.

Product Information

Product TypeBook
Price (excl. tax)$5.63
Price (incl. tax)$5.97
Availability Available
Format Electronic book
Language Russian
Pages 393
Status Early access 🏗️
Preview version Download
Valentina's version 0.7.x
Number of reviews 8

Product Updates

Version 2.1

  • Improved description of the “Don’t use native file dialog” function.
  • Optimised images.
  • Improved description of measurements export. Added note about the difference between import and export measurements.
  • Improved description of pattern properties window.
  • Improved description of file formats for export. Added description of TIFF format.
  • Improved description of pattern label creation.
  • Improved description of detail union. Added useful notes on features.
  • Improved description of pattern file saving. Added description of file format change warning.
  • Updated description for setting notches on a pattern. Added description of setting global notch length.
  • Improved description of the “Point of intersection curves” tool.
  • Improved description of the “Point of intersection curve and axis” tool.
  • Fixed typos.


  • Images update.
  • Added description of the Export Drawing tool.
  • Improved description of portable versions of the program.
  • Added description of adding measurements to piece or pattern labels.
  • Rounding to hundredths of a number has been described.
  • Improved description of hotkeys.
  • Added description of importing measurements from pattern file.
  • Direct links to videos have been added to the text of the book.


Warning. This book has been declared deprecated and will no longer receive updates. You are entitled to receive a 50% discount on a new manual if you have previously purchased this one.

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Customer Reviews

  1. Валентина 0.7 Руководство пользователя

    Отличное руководство, все четко, подробно и с фото описано. С ним изучение программы далось лёгко и понятно. Работаю в программе не постоянно, могу иной раз забыть некоторые нюансы, руководство "Валентина 0.7" всегда выручает. Рекомендую!!! Жду " Хитрости моделирования". Команде создателей огромное СПАСИБО за такую чудесную программу!!! Успехов и процветания вам!!!

    Reviewed by Татьяна Демина on Dec. 25, 2021, 9:20 a.m. | Permalink

    1 of 1 customer found this useful

  2. Отличная программа для домашнего использования!

    Добрый день! Огромная благодарность разработчикам за такой прекрасный продукт, который можно использовать в домашних условиях, причем делать это совершенно бесплатно! Для многих моих студентов - это реальный прорыв, это то, что можно использовать самостоятельно после окончания обучения! Из пожеланий - мечтаем и очень ждем дополнения программы модулем моделирования, существующие инструменты позволяют выполнять простейшее моделирование, для более сложного эти инструменты уже не удобны или вовсе сложны. Очень хотелось бы больше возможностей в чертеже, например, дублировать часть чертежа в режиме чертеж и затем выполнить его доработку. Хотелось бы дублированную деталь иметь возможность отзеркаливать в программе. Хотелось бы иметь возможность дорабатывать вручную раскладку. Уверена, что ваша команда работает по-честному над улучшением программы, мы это видим в каждой новой версии! Еще раз благодарю вас от себя лично и от всех моих студентов!

    Reviewed by Лейсан Тухбатуллина on Dec. 25, 2021, 11:23 p.m. | Permalink

    1 of 1 customer found this useful